Construction of Videoconferencing Systems
Specialists spend a large amount of working time for negotiations. These can be just meetings in the director's office or solving of working issues over the phone, e-mail, and instant message services (ICQ and the like) or face-to-face meetings in conference halls.
In most cases the communication is held by the phone but at this the person perceives only 20% of information. Face-to-face communication allows increasing the percent by 80 because we see the interlocutor's gestures, pose, facial expression, and glance. Videoconferencing allows satisfying need in large volumes of information. Thanks to the function the person receives maximum information at this wasting as much time and resources as for the phone call.
Videoconferencing possibilities can be represented by the following structure:
Open Technologies proposes services on construction of videoconferencing systems, the solution allowing to interact with two and more remote subscribers and ensuring real time exchange of audio and video information.
Videoconferencing will create the effect of live communication adding to existing solutions of teleconferencing. It allows seeing the interlocutor, assessing his or her reaction. It is possible to display different documents during discussions, show various presentations and videos for all participants of the video conference.
Many organizations actively use various forms of instant messaging (IM). This type of communication saves significant time. This function can also be integrated into videoconferencing system. Introduction of videoconferencing network allows:
- to optimize working time of employees;
- to increase efficiency of decision making in remotely located groups;
- to establish working relations between employees in remote offices;
- to attract necessary experts promptly;
- to save money wasted for business trips.
Open Technologies have necessary expertise for videoconferencing solutions from all world leading manufacturers and can propose optimum solution for any customer's task. If necessary, the complex expertise allows us to integrate videoconferencing system and existing customer's IT-systems (telephony, UC, e-mail systems and corporate catalogs). If necessary, our specialists can provide inspection and modernization of data transfer network to ensure quality support of corporate video.