Automatic Process Control System (APCS)
Open Technologies offers development and introduction of APCS as separate automation elements or as existing ACS subsystem.
The solution consists of:
Automatic Frequency and Power Control Systems (AFPCS)
The systems are aimed to ensure participation of power units in control of frequency and power. The created systems comply with requirements of the Order of the OAO RAO "UES of Russia" no. 524 dated 18.09.2002, special GOSTs, RDs, the RF Government decrees, etc.
The main functions of the AFPCS include:
- collection, processing, archiving and visualization of data of the power unit and power plant level;
- transfer of data required to dispatch center;
- receipt, processing, archiving and visualization of data received from power stations at the level of dispatch center;
- electric power load of the turbine-generator sets.
APCS for heating mechanical annex (boilers, turbines, head works, lift station, pump stations, heating units)
The systems are aimed to monitor, protect, control, and provide diagnostics of the heating mechanical equipment.
APCS for electrical equipment
The systems are aimed to monitor, protect, and control electric equipment.