Automatic Systems for Electric Power Revenue Metering (ASEPRM)
With growth of energy carriers' prices special attention is paid to means with which the enterprise or organization can cut losses or baseless energy output thus significantly cutting current costs and enhancing operation performance. The first step to cut energy consumption is organization of strict metering of energy consumed.
Introduction of the automatic systems for electric power revenue metering (ASEPRM) allows user to cut financial expenses cutting energy costs and its limited consumption and using more beneficial tariff systems.
Open Technologies offers services on design, development and supply of automatic systems for electric power revenue metering.
Installation of the system will contribute to energy saving at the enterprise. At this, the power deficit will be reduced and the energy supply will be larger. The noticeable system functions include simultaneous submission of data for all measurement points, real-time monitoring and control, calculation of energy losses in the connection schemes. Metering device and other equipment performance is continuously controlled by the ASEPRM.
The system measures the energy consumed at the facility or in certain sections. The received data allow calculation of the accounting ratio used in financial accounts. Thus, operation of these systems falls under action of the Federal Law "On measurement uniformity" implying strict requirements to measurement assurance.
Open Technologies provides ASEPRM design on orders. The work is implemented in a relatively short time; the client always receives the finished individual project in time.