Creation of Corporate and Operator Communication Networks
Today the companies are, as a rule, geographically distributed. Interconnection inside the company to ensure that performance of employee and manager is independent from location (whether this is a central office, subsidiary, work from home or hotel) can be provided by corporate communication network.
Many solutions for construction of corporate networks have already been offered. But the ready-made ideas about networks are risky and their implementation will make your company uncompetitive and the infrastructure will be vulnerable.
To be at the edge of progress and a step ahead of competitors it is necessary to:
- design elaborate network taking into account scaling and flexibility of the infrastructure to be created, information safety and openness at the same time, compliance with current trends of mobile and Internet technologies development (which can be used by the company clients and partners);
- choose right technologies and their suppliers;
- adhere to principles of return of investments within reasonable time.
Open Technologies offers ready-made and develops custom solutions on creation of communication network of different complexity aimed to transfer data via wire and wireless technologies, official telephone communication, high-speed Internet access, videoconference system, etc.
Network design is provided corresponding regulatory requirements with due account of customer's characteristics.
Our qualified engineers will inspect objects, define organizational, business and technical requirements and limitations and offer optimum solution options. As an option, the solution prototypes can be demonstrated in our laboratory or even at the facility. After coordination of technical specification we will deliver, install and provide start-up of the equipment in the shortest possible time. As a result, you will have highly available, reliable, secure, scalable and high performance network. Further network maintenance can be provided by manufacturer and by our technical service.
Open Technologies has vast experience in creation of corporate communication networks. Its experienced certified specialists will provide quality solutions for the tasks assigned.
We use only high technology solutions in our projects produced by the global developers working in the field of networks and telecommunications, information protection, data storage systems and server complexes, etc.
Upon creation of corporate communication network you can focus on business tasks. And the telecommunication infrastructure will only help you without any problems.
Another field of our activities is services on design, construction and upgrading of operator communication networks.
The broadband access (BBA) and highway network service provider market is a dynamically developing field. Continuous growth of the access level capacity and number of broadband connections leads to significant increase of load due to various applications. ARPU decrease also occurs.
Often the operator is unwilling to update the out-dated equipment and neglects its functionality in order to make the solution cheaper. But eventually it leads to lesser flexibility, loss of scaling and development possibilities.
The services on creation of operator communication networks provided by Open Technologies include:
- collection and analysis of initial data;
- service provider network inspection/audit;
- development of recommendations and preparation of technical specification for designing based on the inspection;
- designing of operator communication networks including preparation of documentation package and technical description of the solution;
- modeling of the developed solution in in-house laboratory;
- equipment start-up;
- the solution acceptance tests and commissioning according to developed test methods.
Making use of our services you will get quality product in the form of scalable and reliable network fully complying with the business needs and providing full range of services to our clients. Efficiency of your business will be increased due to cutting of data transfer net cost and service differentiation in case of introduction of new services.
We ensure individual approach to needs of every client. That is why we constantly improve and update our solutions. Open Technologies accounts large number of implemented projects for service providers of different level.