Oracle Business Intelligence Analytical System. New Level of Hotel Business for Operating Company

Nowadays many companies apply various tools and applications for business analysis allowing collection and processing from various sources.

Open Technologies offers services on introduction of Oracle Business Intelligence analytical system - the largest complex of technologies and applications to provide information about the business internal structure. The solution includes leading BI-applications, technological BI-platforms and data repositories.

Oracle Business Intelligence ensures unification of corporate information submission, unified data model, full real-time access to information, helps to make management decisions at a new quality level based on full information about the business state.


Tasks solved:

  • Operative required data retrieval from various sources;
  • data analysis, detection of dependencies;
  • data output in the form clear for the final users;
  • information output in the form of reports, tables, indicators, etc.;
  • distribution of business relevant information;
  • generation of regular report packages.

The system possibilities:

  • Analytical server ensuring:
    • complex calculations and analytical processing;
    • generation of requests and optimization of access to information resources;
    • access to any data repository, information source and system (analytical, operative, transaction, external, relation, multivariate, file, XML systems, etc. as well as direct access to Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, MS SQL Server Analysis Services, Teradata);
    • scalability, reliability, protection, performance, intellectual caching, work in cluster architecture;
    • possibility to use analysis tools made by other manufacturers.
  • Wide range of business-analysis tools:
    • interactive information panels (interactive, customized submittal, intuitive convenient interface, dynamic data submittal, wide navigation possibilities, analysis scenarios (Guided Analytics));
    • spontaneous requests and reports (development of spontaneous requests and reports, easy intuitive interface, point&click technology, visual tools of request development with the subject field terms, results are easily integrated into analytical panels and alerts);
    • regulatory reports.
  • Automatic alarm and alerts:
    • proactive real-time notification about the business situation to various devices;
    • continuous monitoring and analysis of all operational and analytical sources;
    • schedule- and event-based message distribution;
    • support of numerous devices: mail, cell phones, pagers;
    • iBots-services allowing to start execution agents.
  • Integration with MS Office:
    • BI-data formatting with office tools;
    • BI-rendering inserts as Excel objects;
    • possibility to update copied BI-rendering;
    • BI-report choice from catalogs;
    • copying of reports from BI into MS Office applications.
  • BI integration with external infrastructure:
    • main business applications;
    • office applications;
    • all existing data sources;
    • corporate portal;
    • security assurance infrastructure.

The system advantages:

Oracle Business Intelligence ensures:

  • operative output of information about the main company work parameters irrespective of the data sources;
  • better understanding of the business for large number of users and allows any organization user to have fast web-access to accurate and operation analytics;
  • acceleration and optimization of decision making processes based on full-fledged analysis of all company fields;
  • complex analysis of organization management processes allowing more effective organization of the company activity processes, cutting costs and increased clients' satisfaction and, consequently, their loyalty.

Oracle BI solution is compatible with "Hotel 2.3" room management system and other systems thanks to which customers can use all existing data sources, systems and applications in full which, in its turn, will allow more effective organization management.

Oracle Business Intelligence complex introduction results appear earlier than results of other analytical tools. That is why it is widely used by the world leading companies almost in all fields.