New service director in Open Technologies. - Open Technologies appointed new service director.
25 September 201225.09.2012. Open Technologies, Russian system integrator, informed about the appointment of Maksim Temnov to the post of Service and Outsourcing Director. Mr. Temnov has been an IT director for 6 years.
His new duties will include the extension of the company’s service and outsourcing production line. Among the priority objectives there is deeper cooperation with the leading vendors, development of complex services such as partial and complete IT outsourcing, risk management and business activity control.
«We count that Maksim Temnov's long experience in the position of an IT director, his knowledge of things that are essential for the job, typical problems and demands of IT departments will help us to increase the number of customers and volumes of service in this field, pointed out Nikolai Ryzhkov, Director General of Open Technologies.
According to Maksim Temnov, «new duties are big responsibilities and at the same time big professional challenge. But the combination of experience and new opportunities also leads to new solutions. And my appointment is not an exception from this rule. We will be aimed at fast solution of problems that the IT directors and top managers of the client companies face. We are ready to offer them a wide range of services, including the unique ones. These services include both technical support traditionally demanded by Russian business an direct reduction of expenses via a range of a activities aimed at optimization of operational costs".
Maksim Temnov was born on April 28, 1974. In 1997 he graduated summa cum laude from Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics Department of Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering Electronic and Automation. In 2000 he finished the post-graduate studies at ACS Chair at Center Research Institute. In 2005 he defended Free University Diploma in Management (the UK). He started his professional career as an engineer in 1996. He was installing digital technologies at the radio broadcasting networks of the country. In 2001-2005 he was an IT director in big Russian retail and restaurant networks. In 2006 he came to Open Technologies as an IT director. In June 2012 he was appointed the Service and Outsourcing Director.
Service and Outsourcing Division.
Open Technologies has been offering service and outsourcing for more than 15 years. Today it has over 200 customers, over 300 active contracts and 3000 support systems in this field. Client systems are supported by the company's Service Center working in 24x7 mode. Today it employs 60 qualified specialists certified by the world major producers of telecommunications and server equipment, with various level of training and unique combination of knowledge. The quality and availability of services is guaranteed by common regional network with service centers in big Russian cities (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Surgut, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, etc). Besides, the company has partnership agreements with federal and regional service providers. Hence, the actual presence of the company and, consequently, its coverage network engulfs over 80 regions in all federal districts of the RF. The supplied solutions are modeled and configured in special demonstration halls and server laboratories located on the area of 400 square meters.
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