Shevchenko Grigori “The variety of informational systems doesn’t define the quality of operations management of an enterprise”
19 February 2021 Open Technologies presented machine learning methods and neural algorithms based solutions developed for the enterprise end-to-end optimization and business-process reconstruction on the virtual conference “Innovative solutions for business efficiency” which was held on February 10. Organized by FORS Distribution the conference was dedicated to Oracle partners’ solutions: Open Technologies not only appeared as the partner of the event, but also shared their experience in embedding enterprise digital transformation projects.Grigori Shevchenko, Open Technologies Vice President, delved into the insufficient approach to the enterprise performance optimization on the panel discussion ‘IT-Instruments for the intelligent enterprise”: enterprises try to solve their optimization tasks on the local level, while real results – economy and profit makeup – can be achieved only by implementing the pass-through optimization, simultaneous modeling and analysis of the each segment of their operation. Virtual booth “Digital field” on the website of the conference was dedicated to this approach. The solution, embedded by Open Technologies, monitors and optimizes oil input on the big enterprises’ fields and includes “object model” – the description of data field with its objects, their characteristics and their interconnections. Grigori Shevchenko also brought up to speed on another company’s solution, which displaces foreign expensive Process Mining products, on “Banks and insurance” session.
OT.Platform is the open source system, included in Russian software register, which was developed by ISG.Neuro (Open Technologies’ affiliated company) specialists. It makes possible to receive, store, analyze and visualize a great volume of heteromorphic data from polytypic sources. Product OT.BPM, based on OT.Platform, in fact is the alternative to Celonis Process Mining. All business-processes leave digital traces in informational systems, and OT.BPM application reconstructs all the business-processes by automatically restoring them from the log, and analyzes with a set of special algorithms and trained digital models. Display forms (dashboards and DataMarts) show the reports. As the result, clients receive visualization and recommendations on improving and optimization of their business-processes.
Nikolay Ryabykh, Open Technologies machine learning methods team lead, noticed, that all the processes could be restored for different departments’ purposes, for example, IS or HR, which monitors employees efficiency. One more project was presented on the company’s virtual booths – “Stay Healthy!” developed for defining potentially ill employee in a large organization.
OT.Platform, OT.BPM, “Digital field”, “Stay Healthy!” and other ISG.Neuro’s projects, which Open Technologies embed, allow companies and organizations operate according to the laws of the Russian Federation, specifically within the law “About the security of the critical information technology infrastructure of the Russian Federation” of 26.07.2017 N 187-FZ.
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