Premier partner status from Quest Software - Open Technologies , Russian system integrator, announced about receiving Premier partner status from Quest Software company.

22 October 2012

October 22, 2012. Open Technologies, Russian system integrator, informed that it had received the Premier partner status from Quest Software.

The relations between Open Technologies and Quest Software started in 2007, when they Quest Recovery Manager project for Active Directory in the Bank of Russia.

In 2011 the company enhanced its vendor competence technologies and concentrated its efforts on promotion of software such as the system of reserve copying and restoration of Quest RMAD catalogue service, Change Auditor change control service and Site Administrator portal management system. These aspects are extremely relevant and demanded by costumers, as they help to cut expenses for IT and centralization of management.

The practice shows that introduction of Quest Software helps to substantially curb the cost of IT infrastructure management and service and achieve the necessary level of working capacity and element control. Many of the solutions offered by the vendor are unique (for instance, solutions on data migration) and essential for reaching objectives, where other means can not be applied.

At the moment Open Technologies is carrying out major infrastructure projects with Quest Software solutions in the company's of the financial sector.

The Premier partner status received within new partnership program will allow the system integrator offering additional guarantees for receiving quality and reliable services.

Quest Software is the leader in IT company management. It offers the innovation instruments, helping the organizations to increase productivity and safety of applications, data bases, Windows and virtual infrastructure. Quest Software is a successful and stable companies having 100 thousands clients worldwide. Interestingly enough, 75% of the world's biggest companies, use Quest products. According to IDC and Gartner assessments, Quest is the world's leader in managing IT infrastructure. Another unique fact is that Quest was elected the best Microsoft's vendor partner of the year two times (ISV Partner of the year 2004 and 2007) and #1 company for Active Directory (2007, 2008). The offices of Quest are located worldwide. More detailed information is available at

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